
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Holding history in my hands

None of the documents that I found could come even close to the feeling I had when I came across this piece of registration. By than I leafed, or rather rolled  hundreds of pages on the ancient microfilm device. Sent tenth of inquiries to fellow geneological researchers who assured me that the family name I keep insisting on is wrong. I went back and forth and in many other directions in my efforts to reconstruct the little that I knew into a coherent family tree.

When I saw these few lines tucked at the back of one of the registration books I sigh a deep sigh of relief and leaned back in my chair savoring the names I was looking for for so long. Here they were, my lost ancestors from that remote, never heard before, town of Stupava, Slovakia, who turned out to be a modern town just minutes from Bratislava.

Here they were; Israel Bee and his wife Charlotte (like my aunt Leah official name), his son Philip Bee who was my G-G-G- father (maybe few more g's) , the Bee dynasty that started at 1784 and disappeared from that area in 1942.

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